
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Introduction To Feminist Jurisprudence

By: Hilaire Barnett BA, LLM
Queen Mary and Westfield College
University of London

Nothing evidences a subject’s maturity so convincingly as the emergence of introductory texts.It may be said that over the past two decades feminist legal theory and jurisprudence has come of age. The literature is now both extensive and impressive, although sometimes inaccessible to many students because it is dispersed amongst international journals.

It is the objective of this book to introduce students to the major themes of inquiry and scholarship with which feminist scholars, many of whom are lawyers, are concerned. Feminist jurisprudence has many objects of inquiry, and seeks to answer many difficult, sometimes intractable, questions about law and society.

If there is one single, unifying strand of thought amongst feminist legal scholars, it may be interpreted as the unmasking of the many inequalities based on gender, deriving from nature and culture and encapsulated in the law. Equally important are the practical implications of this area of study – nothing less than the search for equality for women under the law.

The project is thus ambitious and all embracing, encompassing the unmasking of gender-based inequality in the substantive law, and the unravelling of the traditional exclusion of women in legal theory and jurisprudence. Feminist jurisprudence is at one and the same time an academic, legal and political enterprise.

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2 komentar:

Wisata Riau, Pekanbaru Riau on 03:14 said...

pertamaX gab....
salam kenal yah.. :D

masterGOmaster on 14:29 said...

ijin download e booknya buat referensi saya...makasih

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