
Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Concept Of a Legal System

By: Josep Raz

THIS book is based on a doctoral thesis submitted at the University of Oxford. I wish to acknowledge my great indebtedness to Prof. H. L. A. Hart. I learnt much from his published works, from his lectures, and most of all from his very patient and detailed criticism of previous drafts of this study. I am also most grateful to him for his constant encouragement and guidance.

I am greatly indebted to Dr. P. M. Hacker, with whom I had many illuminating conversations on the topics discussed, and to Dr. A. Kenny, who read and commented on two papers I wrote on Bentham and Kelsen; these served as a basis for some of the material in Chapters 3-5.

My stay at Oxford was made possible by the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, which secured the necessary funds, and especially by the kind attention and interest of Mr. E. Posnansky.

Both Professor Hart and Dr. Hacker read previous drafts of the book, and if it were not for their pains there would be many more mistakes and stylistic infelicities in the English than in fact remain.

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2 komentar:

Yance Arizona on 10:06 said...

Uda.. ini blog yang amat menarik dan ramah sekali berbagi buku.. ambo baru download buku Joseph Raz ini.. Terimakasih banyak

Yance Arizona

Yance Arizona on 10:07 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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